Posts Tagged ‘i hate life’

It’s twenty minutes after midnight.

I finally managed to get into the house, thanks to a brave and timely breaking and entering, performed by an underage neighbour (Sendai Anonymous, corrupting the young! Think of the children.), who was also trying to ascertain whether I was single and interested in underage male neighbours and their underage male friends (it was even more painful than you think), neither of which I was (still more pain followed then, unfortunately).

I was made to realise that I’m actually old enough for underage neighbours to think it would be cool if I could be their Ms Robinson, an utterly dreadful prospect.

Meanwhile, my flat mate is hiding away in some tiny village and not picking up her phone. Hopefully she will die of cholera, consumption and furuncles. May it be a long and painful death, with the rest of her life filled with suffering, bad weather, missed appointments and general wretchedness.

I can’t make myself to hate the neighbours and their friends (breaking and entering! One must appreciate a perfectly executed breaking and entering!), but the second-hand embarrassment I got from the entire debacle will keep me cringing for weeks every time I see them, and many times I won’t.

I hate life.
I hate humanity.

I hate everything.

It’s thirty minutes after midnight. I’ll have some tea and just go to sleep.

(Hopefully when I wake up everybody will be dead)

PS. I left the flat mate an active-aggressive note saying I hope she dies& suffers etc etc etc. I hope she appreciates it isn’t SOAKED IN FUCKING ARSENIC NOT YET.

PPS. Also, the neighbours think I’m:

1) French (“because of the accent”, OKAAAAAAY!)

2) My flat mate’s girlfriend WHICH FUCKING SERVES HER FUCKING RIGHT).

I’m so frustrated.

1. I started reading Atram-hasis for a seminar. I have about 300 lines in transliteration, and about 40 lines translated with commentary.

I thought: well, maybe 40 is going to be a bit of an overkill, it’s the first seminar, we’ll most likely only do like 20 lines or so.

We finished 9 (NINE). I almost fell asleep.

2. I had some stuff to read. We were asked to prepare thoughtful questions about the text. Consequently, I spent several hours wracking my brain in order to produce a couple of thoughtful questions that could lead to brilliant discussion thing or something.

Most of the questions other people had were about a metaphor they didn’t understand.

I thought I’d die, but only in the short bouts of paralysing boredom between me trying to fell asleep, and me sleeping.

3.  People keep spying on me when I read, and asking me “WOW IS THIS CHINESE/JAPANESE? WOW!!1!!”. Yes, it is, HOW SENSATIONAL, now shut up and die D:

4. We were reading an Old Assyrian letter. After the first cognitive dissonance of “wow, the people who actually got the transliteration/translation stuff on time, and therefore finished their homework, actually are reading something that is not written there at all, how is that even possible???”, it turned out that they were indeed reading something that wasn’t there at all, because they DON’T THINK D: D: D: D: How you convince yourself to believe that YES THREE LARGE CUNEIFORM CHARACTERS CAN TOTES FIT IN THIS TINY 3-MM SPACE TOTES is completely beyond me.

Oh, and we spent an hour getting to that. I wanted to die.

5. Linguistics seminar, brilliant young MA thing asks the prof if she could recommend a book about linguistic terminology, because she didn’t know what “analytic” means.


#W$U%^&%& Why do I even try  D: D: D: D:
