Archive for the ‘going places’ Category

1. As it turns out, both my landlady and the new housemate are atheists! The housemate came out after I said I was studying Sumerian stuff. She started a monologue about LOL!Bible, which was riddled with tiny little inaccuracies.

I managed not to engage in a megalomaniacal monologue myself. These days, I try to show a little bit of restraint, and only do this in the privacy of my room.

With a mirror.

2. Dispatches from the Culture Wars had the most hilarious troll ever this week. I mean, no amount of quoting will do this guy justice.  Every sentence he throws at us is like a little work of art, a pearl necklace,  a set of Fabergé eggs next to the Russel’s teapot, a gem of entertaining vapidity all in itself.

But, to those who happened to read this blog, and read there. (If any) I apologize for my profanity. I should not have wrote it. I just get so angry when I see Socialist Liberals mocking a party that has done more good, than the Democratic Party has ever done. Further more, a party that still fights for America. Unlike the Terrorist appeasing Liberal Democrats.

I mean, I almost cried here! Anyway, Brain-Dead Socialist Liberal Science Blog Attacks Me (boy, it had all the things you didn’t like, huh? AWESOME), and The Ed Brayton War iI Over, Please (there were tissues involved here, because I cried a little). His About page is a quote-miner’s paradise:

Likes: Beautiful women, skinny women,

Dislikes: Fat women, (…) being overweight.

How cruel of me to resort to petty ad hominems, but, clearly, this just might be the reason why he’s single, hurr hurr. I mean, he should post more.

We wouldn’t need the telly if he wrote more.

3. A fucking awesome WWII veteran tells the bigots to stuff it (well, nah, he’s more classy than that, BUT AWESOME)

This reminds me to call my fucking badass Lieutenant grandmother, yarrr.

4. The Church of Sweden will gaymarry gays. Gayly!

5. Meanwhile, the  veterans in the UK  tell the BNP to kindly fuck off and leave the military alone. Why yes, this is what they mean by “The BNP are, quite honestly, a very unattractive group” *snerk*.  But wait!

“The values of these extremists – many of whom are essentially racist – are fundamentally at odds with the values of the modern British military, such as tolerance and fairness.”

This is a good week for veterans!

6. This is also a good week for vaccines! Wired spanks the anti-vaccine movement thus:

“I used to say that the tide would turn when children started to die. Well, children have started to die,” Offit says, frowning as he ticks off recent fatal cases of meningitis in unvaccinated children in Pennsylvania and Minnesota. “So now I’ve changed it to ‘when enough children start to die.’ Because obviously, we’re not there yet.”


The doubters and deniers are empowered by the Internet (online, nobody knows you’re not a doctor) and helped by the mainstream media, which has an interest in pumping up bad science to create a “debate” where there should be none.

7. Meanwhile, in another corner of the internets Michael Shermer spanks Bill Maher for his vaccine denialism. YAY.

One of the most remarkable features of science is that it often leads its practitioners to change their minds and to say “I was wrong.”


8. Meanwhile, in real life, an awesome trans woman doctor, Marci Bower, is helping the victims of female genital mutilation (FGM) by doing “clitoralplasty” FOR FREE.

Fact: Marci Bower is so totally badass.

9. I watched this vid, because Dan linked it. I don’t know what other people saw, but what I saw was this:

Whoa, what a trainwreck!

Also, Rashomon, LOL.

10. A XIII century Maastricht church was  turned into a bookstore. This is old news, but PICTURES PRETTY BOOKS ZOMD.

Also: hopefully, a time will come, when all churches will turn into sanctuaries of knowledge. BOOKS! I mean, BOOKS!

(Maastricht. That’s not too far from here. Hmm. BOOOOOOKS!)


1. I have a flat!

2… with no internet connection yet.

3. But the plums here are awesome!

4. The fountain in the Schillerplatz in the ugliest thing ever.

5. By which I mean, I wholeheartedly approve.

6. Of course, I forgot my camera, so I can`t take any photos to prove my point.

7. Mainz is like 2kmx2km.

8. Only the campus is like 200kmx200km.

9. This can only mean one thing: BIGGER ON THE INSIDE!!!!!!

10. Right in front of the Johannes Gutenberg Universität campus is a cemetery. I find it strangely fitting.

11. I haven`t been there yet, `cause they had no flats to offer there.

12. Not the sort of I was looking for anyway.

13. And none of them had an internet connection, so there.

14. I hate German keyboards. They have “y” where normal keyboards have “z” and vice versa. This is sick and perverted.

15. People are seriously so nice it almost creeps me out.

16. It also remains a mystery what they do on the weekends. Because, shops closed, restaurants and cafés closed, pubs closed, and only a small number of people can be found engaging in the wholesome activity of walking or cycling. WHERE IS THE REST? WORSHIPPING CTHULHU? Somehow, I wouldn`t be surprised. There is something about the small towns and the Great Old Ones, you know.

17. Lol, prime number!

18. Also, nobody cares if Polanski rots in prison. YAY.

A giant grasshopper attacked me when I was doing the laundry.

But never mind. Our plans to go to Jesus Village have been foiled. It’s not very far, but in the middle of nowhere, and getting there would take like 7 hours, and I’m not quite that commited to the atheist cause.

Also, the cultists, they must be cunning, to found their Jesus Village in such a isolated place.

(Sorry, Cabal. Will try harder next time)

So, we’re going to Iwate instead! Tomorrow morning! If I wake up!